SmartTRASHER is a unique product which has multiple applications across today’s world from household kitchen applications through to uses with the Armed Forces.
Where ever SmartTRASHER is used, its unrivalled single point focused hygienic, separating, compacting and cost effective energy efficient storage capabilities
Minimise costs in your recycling chain…
The following key facts need serious thought and allow a fuller understanding of the important rule the SmartTRASHER can play in the recycling chain.
The UK produces over 400 million tonnes of waste annually; a quarter comes from households and businesses, the rest comes from construction and demolition, sewage sludge, farm waste and spoils from mines and dredging of rivers. The following figures were reported a few years ago and are said to be improving – but by how much?
- 9% of the UKs waste comes from households – 30 million tonnes per year: 81% is landfilled; 11% recycled/composted; 8% incinerated
- Nearly 50% of household waste could be diverted from landfill by making compost from kitchen and garden waste
- Each person in England and Wales produces an average of 300 kg of household waste each year
The amount of waste produced in the UK:
- in one hour – would fill the Albert Hall;
- in one day – would fill Trafalgar Square to the top of Nelson’s Column
- in nine months – would fill Lake Windermere
- Each year, the average British family throws away six trees worth of paper
- About one fifth of the contents of household dustbins is paper and card (of which half is newspapers and magazines) – equivalent to over 4kg of waste paper per household each week
- On average, each person throws away seven times their body weight in rubbish every year
- Recycling one tonne of paper saves upto 70% energy used in manufacturing from virgin materials and requires 40% less water to produce
- Each tonne of paper recycled saves fifteen average trees and helps surrounding habitat and wildlife
- It costs about £130 million each year to dispose of the UKs waste packaging
- Reclaimed waste papers represent around 63% of the fibre used to produce paper and board in the UK
- If UK domestic waste recycling was increased to 40%, up to 10,000 new jobs would be created
- Packaging is about 25% of household waste
- The UK uses about 12 billion cans each year; placed end to end, they would stretch to the moon and back!
- £36 million worth of aluminum is sent to landfill sites each year
- Recycling aluminium cans saves up to 95% of the energy required to produce one from aluminium ore
- Recycling one glass bottle saves enough energy to light a 15-watt energy efficient bulb (equivalent to 100-watt normal bulb) for 24 hours!
- Five out of six used glass bottles are thrown straight into the dustbin!
- Up to 90% of new glass can be made from reclaimed scrap glass – saving energy and raw materials
- In Europe, only 2.5% of plastic bottles are recycled; most are used only once then discarded
- About 20,000 tonnes of aluminium foil packaging (worth £8 million) is wasted each year; only 3,000 tonnes are recycled (worth £1.2 million)
- The UK disposes of 50 million tyres a year – the law prevents them going to landfill
- As a result of the Common Agricultural Policy, the UK threw away 30,000 tons of vegetables in ten months to guarantee “market price” for the people who grew them
- We waste 500,000 tons of food per year; it is worth £400 million and disposal costs another £50 million – only a fraction is handed to Charitable Organisations which could use it
- We dispose of over two million television sets a year; they are now classed as Hazardous Waste and can no longer go to landfill
- Transporting a year’s worth of UK waste would require five times the world’s fleet of supertankers or a nose-to-tail queue of juggernauts stretching six times around the globe!
- Every tonne of biodegradable waste produces 200-400 cubic metres of landfill gas – in 1998, landfill sites released nearly 30% of UKs methane emissions
One hundred and forty million pounds (£140,000,000) was the figure expressed in the media to reinstate weekly household waste collections for some nine and a half million households across one hundred and eighty council regions in England and Wales. What a waste!.
Household waste, or to be more exact, a massive untapped resource is growing daily and needs a fresh intelligent handling approach. National, Regional and Local collection and handling methods vary considerably, however they all come at a considerable cost which is rising.
Landfills are recognised as an extremely inefficient, wasteful and a non environmentally friendly method of disposing of household waste and are thankfully diminishing due to recent legislation.
Meeting the aggressive waste minimisation targets that have been established requires a fresh approach moving us clearly towards more intelligent recycling.
What is a mammoth challenge, cannot be realised without employing a fresh, intelligent, grass roots upwards approach to recycling. SmartTRASHER, a single focused recycling appliance is a clear foundation in establishing this new approach. By utilising the easy to use SmartTRASHER appliance, individual households have the ability to present valuable, sorted, uncontaminated, recyclable, household waste into an easily modified collection system.
SmartTRASHER can save money minimising frustrations in your recycling actions.
Operational video of initial concept capable of crushing glass. This feature no longer available due to health and safety.